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Globalization, microenterprises and entrepreneurship - Nicolás Muñoz - Economista

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Globalization, microenterprises and entrepreneurship



The ideas contained in this book can be useful for those who determine public policy, for universities, students and university professors, as well as for teachers in public and private education systems, for corporate organizations and individual entrepreneurs, for Caribbean and Latin American economies that are looking for ways and means of expanding the frontiers of their enterprises in order to stimulate economic growth and fight against unemployment.

. . . Using the Internet, a housewife can, on her own, make flight reservations for a Canadian airline; a student can sell local food in Japan, and a marketing specialist can design a WEBSITE by a worker in Uruguay . . .

. . . Globalization is a window of opportunities for microenterprises once they reach maturity, generally after the first five years of operations. Any microenterprise can enter any global market that is available with his resources. . .

. . . The enterprises, instead of purchasing their own robots, can rent space in robots owned by professionals as research assistants. The pizza stores can deliver the pizza with a drone; another robot will take the order and put the pizza in the oven . . .

. . . Puerto Rico ranks as the 57th of the 60 countries included in the study by Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in teaching entrepreneurship in schools, and has the ultimate rank 60 in the transfer of R&D.

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Author: Nicolás Muñoz

ISBN: 978‐1-61887-910-3

Editorial: Editorial 2020

Year: 2017

Pages: 225

Why this book?:

This project arose from the necessity to discuss ideas and present alternatives to establish long-term strategies to restore the economic progress of Puerto Rico. Since 2006 the economy began to show a marked degree of decadence, which at the time of publication of this book, i.e. ten years later, has unleashed an economic crisis unprecedented since the Great Depression of 1929.

The book discusses two strategies where public policy makers, the universities, university students, professors of public and private education systems, entrepreneurial organizations, and individual entrepreneurs can focus, as part of their plans and projects for the country, on stimulating the globalization of small and medium size enterprises with local capital, and the development of entrepreneurship.

The ideas the book contains can also be useful for Caribbean and Latin American economies that are attempting to find ways and means to expand the frontiers of their enterprises to further economic growth and are looking for alternatives to traditional ways of eliminating unemployment in the labor force.

About the author:

Nicolás Muñoz is economist, university professor, newspaper columnist and consultant in management and finances. He is President of Tactical Planners, Inc., dedicated to management consulting and of Muñoz & Company, Inc., dedicated to marketing of insurance. He has been advisor to the Institute of Public Policy, President of the Board of State Investment in Labor Force and member of the Council of Economists of the Governor of Puerto Rico (2009-2012). He was Executive Director of the Advisory Council of the Governor on Training and Employment (1978-1980), advisor to the Governor for Government Programs (1980-1981) and Administrator of Right to Work (1981-1984). He was economic advisor to senator and subsequently Senate President Kenneth McClintock (1993-2008) and advisor in strategic management to the Electoral Comptroller of Puerto Rico.


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Crónicas de Esperanza: La Mejor Salida del Laberinto Económico

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Globalización y Microempresas: Oportunidades Para Puerto Rico Ante El Estancamiento Económico

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